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RE: POS#1 Self-Executing HTML: Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 Part III

>On a related topic,
>Does anyone have a method to programatically (perhaps using registry
>entries) change security settings in Internet Explorer for a 
>specific zone.
>For example, if I wanted to disable active scripting for the 
>Internet Zone
>for 1000 end users by pushing a script, reg entry or something 
>similar to

You can via GPO in AD 2k or 2003. To set an IE GPO in 2k:

Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Active Directory Users and Computers
>[OU Name]>Rt-click>Properties>|Group Policy|New|Edit:

>User Configuration>Windows Settings>Internet Explorer
>dbl-click 'Security Zones and Content Ratings' and select 'Import
Security Zones' and then click |Modify Settings|.

note: you can't set a GPO on a CN; has to be an OU.

If you are looking for a programmatic solution, you could use ADSI and
your own enterprise-wide settings/changes. You can do about anything
Windows you want through ADSI using VB Script, Perl, or anything else it
supports. Of course if you're using AD I think using a GPO is simplest.

Arian Evans
Sr. Security Engineer
FishNet Security

Phone:  816.421.6611
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