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Immunix Secured OS 7+ fileutils update

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        Immunix Secured OS Security Advisory

Packages updated:       fileutils
Affected products:      Immunix OS 7+
Bugs fixed:             CAN-2003-0853 CAN-2003-0854
Date:                   Fri Oct 31 2003
Advisory ID:            IMNX-2003-7+-026-01
Author:                 Seth Arnold <sarnold@immunix.com>

  Georgi Guninski has discovered an off-by-one error in ls(1)'s columns
  handling code. This provided a providential opportunity to handle the
  exponential memory usage involved in the columnar display; thus, we
  have included a patch from Solar Designer to limit the number of
  columns to 1024, reducing the chance of memory exhaustion and working
  around the off-by-one vulnerability.

  ls(1) is exposed through wu-ftpd, potentially to unauthenticated users.
  If your setup is a chroot wu-ftpd, please replace the copy of ls in
  the chroot with this copy.

  This patch fixes CAN-2003-0853 and CAN-2003-0854. Many thanks to
  Georgi Guninski and Solar Designer for spotting the problem and
  providing the solution.

Package names and locations:
  Precompiled binary packages for Immunix 7+ are available at:

  A source package for Immunix 7+ can be found at:

Immunix OS 7+ md5sums:
  0e1d67ef1cd87d351963a8f85170d1d0  RPMS/fileutils-4.0x-3_imnx_3.i386.rpm
  0bed0757cfa529a63a73cd62696dceec  SRPMS/fileutils-4.0x-3_imnx_3.src.rpm

GPG verification:                                                               
  Our public keys are available at http://download.immunix.org/GPG_KEY
  Immunix, Inc., has changed policy with GPG keys. We maintain several
  keys now: C53B2B53 for Immunix 7+ package signing, D3BA6C17 for
  Immunix 7.3 package signing, and 1B7456DA for general security issues.

  Ibiblio is graciously mirroring our updates, so if the links above are
  slow, please try:
  or one of the many mirrors available at:

  ImmunixOS 6.2 is no longer officially supported.
  ImmunixOS 7.0 is no longer officially supported.

Contact information:
  To report vulnerabilities, please contact security@immunix.com.
  Immunix attempts to conform to the RFP vulnerability disclosure protocol

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