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Re: Multiple Heap Overflows in FTP Desktop

In-Reply-To: <20030908202530.24144.qmail@sf-www1-symnsj.securityfocus.com>

The heap overflow bug has been fixed. The new FTP Desktop version is now 
available for downloading from http://www.ftpdesktop.net/download.html

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>From: Bahaa Naamneh <b_naamneh@hotmail.com>
>To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
>Subject: Multiple Heap Overflows in FTP Desktop
>Multiple Heap Overflows in FTP Desktop
>"FTP Desktop lets you access FTP sites as if they were folders on your
>Now you can move your files between your hard disk and remote FTP sites
>with greater ease."
>- Vendors Description
>   [ http://www.ftpdesktop.com ]
>FTP Desktop is fully integrated into Windows Explorer, so the actual 
>at fault appears as 'explorer.exe'.
>Vulnerable systems: FTP Desktop version 3.5 (and possibly earlier
>Vulnerability: It is possible to cause a Heap overflow in FTP Desktop,
>allowing total modification of the EIP pointer - this can be maliciously
>altered to allow remote arbitrary code execution. The overflow occurs in
>the FTP banner and others areas as it shown here:
>FTP Banner:
>(FTP Desktop connected...)
>220 [229xA][4xB][4xX]
>(Access violation when executing 0x58585858) // 4xX
>(FTP Desktop Sends 'USER username')
>331 [229xA][4xB][4xX]
>(Access violation when executing 0x58585858) // 4xX
>(FTP Desktop Sends 'PASS password')
>331 [229xA][4xB][4xX]
>(Access violation when executing 0x58585858) // 4xX
>Vendor status:
>The vendor has been informed, and they are fixing this bug.
>The updated version, when released, can be downloaded from:
>[ http://www.ftpdesktop.net/download/ftpsetup.exe ]
>(I would thank Peter Winter-Smith for helping me in the exploitation)
>Discovered by/Credit:
>Bahaa Naamneh