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PHP-Nuke Path Disclosure Vulnerability
- To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
- Subject: PHP-Nuke Path Disclosure Vulnerability
- From: Bahaa Naamneh <b_naamneh@hotmail.com>
- Date: 18 Oct 2003 13:56:51 -0000
PHP-Nuke Path Disclosure Vulnerability
Published: 18 October 2003
Released: 16 October 2003
Affected Systems: PHP-Nuke 7.0 (and possibly earlier versions).
Vendor: http://www.phpnuke.org
PHP-Nuke is a Web Portal System, storytelling software, news system,
online community or whatever you want to call it.
Its goal is to have an automated web site to distribute news and
articles with user system.
It's possible to disclose potentially sensitive installation path
information to the remote attacker by using ("') " and ' chars in the
search textbox : http://[Site]/modules.php?name=Search
or we can use this chars " and > and ' this chars will cause a
disclosure of the installation path and the text will protrusion out
of the search textbox.
Vendor status:
The vendor has been informed.
Discovered by / credit:
Bahaa Naamneh