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NOVL-2003-10087450 - Novell Response to NISCC/CERT Advisories re: OpenSSL - revised url
- To: <security-alerts@list.novell.com>
- Subject: NOVL-2003-10087450 - Novell Response to NISCC/CERT Advisories re: OpenSSL - revised url
- From: "Ed Reed" <ereed@novell.com>
- Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 15:22:42 -0600
Hash: SHA1
For Immediate Disclosure
============================== Summary ==============================
Security Alert: NOVL-2003-10087450
Title: Novell Response to NISCC/CERT Advisories re: OpenSSL
Date: 01-Oct-2003
Revision: Original
Product Name: All Products supporting SSL
OS/Platform(s): Netware 6.x, Windows 2000/XP, UNIX, Solaris, HP-UX,
Reference URL: http://support.novell.com/servlet/tidfinder/10087450
Vendor Name: Novell, Inc.
Vendor URL: http://www.novell.com
Security Alerts: http://support.novell.com/security-alerts
Affects: Various ? to be announced
Identifiers: CERT VU#255484, 380864, 686224, 935264, 732952,
CAN-2003-0543, CAN-2003-0544, CAN-2003-0545
Credits: NISCC - U.K. National Infrastructure Security
Co-ordination Centre
============================ Description ============================
Several vulnerabilities in OpenSSL (see
http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20030930.txt )
============================== Impact ===============================
Novell is reviewing our application portfolio to identify products
affected by the vulnerabilities reported by the NISCC. We have the
patched OpenSSL code and are reviewing and testing it internally, and
preparing patches for our products that are affected. We
expect the first patches to become available via our Security Alerts
web site (http://support.novell.com/security-alerts) during the week
of 6 Oct 2003. Customers are urged to monitor our web site for
patches to versions of our products that they use and apply them
======================== Recommended Actions ========================
See detailed instructions in the referenced Technical Information
Document (TID) http://support.novell.com/servlet/tidfinder/10087450.
============================ DISCLAIMER =============================
The content of this document is believed to be accurate at the time
of publishing based on currently available information. However, the
information is provided "AS IS" without any warranty or
representation. Your use of the document constitutes acceptance of
this disclaimer. Novell disclaims all warranties, express or implied,
regarding this document, including the warranties of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose. Novell is not liable for any
direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use
of, or reliance on, this document or any security alert, even if
Novell has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even
if such damages are foreseeable.
============================ Appendices =============================
================ Contacting Novell Security Alerts ==================
To report suspected security vulnerabilities in Novell products, send
email to
or use the web form at our website
PGP users may send signed/encrypted information to us using our PGP
key, available from the pgpkeys.mit.edu server, or our website.
Users wishing to be notified when Novell Security Alerts are issued
may register their email address at
Security Alerts, Novell, Inc. PGP Key Fingerprint:
F5AE 9265 0A34 F84E 580E 9B87 3AC1 1974 DE05 0FDB
========================= Revision History ==========================
Original: 01-Oct-2003 - Original Publication
Version: PGP Personal Security 7.0.3