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Re: Need help. Proof of concept 100% security.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 08:54:54PM +0530, Balwinder Singh composed:
> Hi All,
> I have developed an application, which I believe can provide 100%
> security against various attacks.I can hear people laughing. Hmm..
> The applications is called Execution Flow Control (EFC).
> Details of software can be found at

You are doing system call monitoring based on a program model, and
killing programs which deviate, assuming I read the documentation

A:  You have false positives unless you generate this database through
program analysis or some other technique.  "Security" procedures which
make systems less reliable are only rarely acceptable.

B: This has been done, based on program analysis, traces, and a whole
host of other techniques.  Probably the best example based on program
analysis is

"Intrusion Detection via Static Analysis"
David Wagner and Drew Dean:

This is probably the nicest imply because their model does NOT have
false positives, only false negatives.

C:  How to waltz through this "100%" protection:
"Mimicry Attaks on Host-Based Intrusion Detection"
David Wagner and Paolo Soto:

Nicholas C. Weaver                                 nweaver@cs.berkeley.edu