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Re: Buffer overflow prevention


> >There is a flag for the Gnu C/C++ compilers, -fstack-protector, that will 
> >implement ProPolice stack protection.  It should prevent stack smashing 
> >techniques.
> >
> That is not actually in the standard GCC; it is in a forked GCC that 
> OpenBSD chooses to ship.

Adamantix and Gentoo Hardened also ship this patched GCC compiler.

> We (Immunix) are in the process of trying to make StackGuard (the 
> original) meet all of the criteria required for acceptance into GCC. At 
> the GCC Summit <http://www.gccsummit.org/2003/> in May, we presented a 
> StackGuard talk 
> <http://www.gccsummit.org/2003/view_abstract.php?talk=31> on that topic.

I would rather see Hiraoke Etoh's Stack Smashing Protector (aka ProPolice) as
standard stack-smashing protection mechanism in GCC than StackGuard.

Peter Busser
The Adamantix Project
Taking trustworthy software out of the labs, and into the real world