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Microsoft MCWNDX.OCX ActiveX buffer overflow

 Microsoft MCWNDX.OCX ActiveX buffer overflow

HOMEPAGE:  www.microsoft.com
VULNERABLE VERSIONS: MCWNDX is an ActiveX shipped with Visual Studio 6 to
support multimedia programming.


 MCWNDX is an activeX shipped with Visual Studio 6 to
support multimedia programming. Although not many people use it anymore,
however it still can be called through CLSID in a website and passing a
large amount of data to the activex will cause an buffer overflow.

Since this Activex is only shipped with VIsual Studio 6.0, so only
people who are having Visual Studio 6.0 will be affected or people
who are still using old multimedia programs coded in Visual Studio 6.0
(In my PC, the last date the ActiveX is patched is in 1996 ! I am using
VS Sp 4)

 The ActiveX has a property called "Filename" which is used to specify
the .mci file to load. However if it is passed with a very large
is good enough :-) ), it will cause a bufferoverflow. (I can't overwrite the
EIP using this overflow in my XP, however it doesn't mean the problem can't
be exploited)

Microsoft has been noticed but since the hole is maybe minor to them so
they don't response to me even a short sentence like "Thank you !"


 Delete the file MCWNDX.ocx in your SYSTEM32 directory if you are
using 2000 or XP or in your SYSTEM directory if you are using WIN ME or


 Discovered by Tri Huynh from Sentry Union


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 Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to: trihuynh@zeeup.com