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New Windows DCOM Worm - msblast.exe (fwd)

David Mirza Ahmad

PGP: 0x26005712
8D 9A B1 33 82 3D B3 D0 40 EB  AB F0 1E 67 C6 1A 26 00 57 12
The battle for the past is for the future.
We must be the winners of the memory war.

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From: David Vincent <david.vincent@mightyoaks.com>
To: 'Dave Ahmad' <da@securityfocus.com>
Subject: New Windows DCOM Worm -  msblast.exe
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 13:55:31 -0700
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dave, can you send this on to the list?  my cross-posting ways have left me
wondering which list you're wanting more details for.

message follows...

i've just got a copy of this Windows DCOM Worm from a nice fellow on another

it matches the MD5 at http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?date=2003-08-11 of
5ae700c1dffb00cef492844a4db6cd69.  that's the EXE's MD5, not the unpacked
EXE version or the MD5 of the ZIP i received it in.  i have not launched it
yet, but i did note it made its way past three layers of virus protection
without being detected.

yes, we do use the same AV for all parts of our network, but that's 'cause
we're a small company with limited resources.  so don't bitch at me about
it.  :)

we've got NAV Corporate with scan engine and
definitions of 06/08/2003 rev. 4 (the most current at this time) and it is
not detected.

David Vincent  CNA/MCSE
Network Administrator


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